According to our most current data, travelers have booked vacations at an all-time high in recent months. We feel that travel agencies and wholesalers should seek to improve their efficiency in order to compete with the large OTAs. We discovered three places where your business could expand with the help of travel APIs.
We are pleased to officially unveil our new suite of travel APIs, designed to simplify all of the complex requirements of a modern travel company.
The B2C Plug&Play API enables your team to easily create its own UI. FTP API allows you to develop your supplier accommodation inventory while keeping expenses down.
The ERP Bridge API enables you to leverage your existing ERP platform while effortlessly connecting it to Future Travel Platform booking solutions.
Allow our travel professionals help simplify travel APIs, and set up a call to discuss your present difficulties. Let's discover which API options are ideal for your travel business.
Visualize your new, gorgeous website, designed to reach new markets and increase profitability.
Reduce costs by combining multiple inventory sources and using a single API to manage them all.
There is no need for additional training or new skills. You maintain your ERP/Mid-Office system, which you and your workers have been using in recent years, while increasing your vending power.
Have a brief look at our video presentation, which highlights the key aspects of our software for online trip reservations. Selecting amongst software programmes with similar features and benefits that are currently on the market is made simpler.