A fully functional travel booking engine in Arabic language with right-to-left interface available in multi currencies.
A fully functional Arabic travel booking system is available from Future Travel Platform, allowing you to take advantage of the enormous opportunity to provide travel services to Arabic-speaking tourists from around the globe. Future Travel Platform has modified the software to eliminate the language barrier, just like the major booking websites.
We provide Arabic right-to-left content and interface in order to facilitate communication with potential passengers since we want to ensure that our clients maximise their profits. Examples of this content include: and content: airports, a calendar, places to go, hotel names, descriptions, features, POIs, and different kinds of rooms.
A stunning mobile travel booking app in Arabic and 8 other languages has been created for you by Future Travel Platform. It features dynamic packages of hotels and flights that are all dependent on your hotel contracts and GDS flight arrangements.
Have a brief look at our video presentation, which highlights the key aspects of our software for online trip reservations. Selecting amongst software programmes with similar features and benefits that are currently on the market is made simpler.